Person ID: I2159 | Tree: Rudeen-Rademacher |  Last Modified: 23 Apr 2022
This mod changes the layout of the Person Profile in several ways,
with the intent of making it easier to read. For example,
It moves some the profiled person's events below the person's Parent and Family data,
Adds headings (e.g. Parents, Family or Families, Media, Event Map) above each block of data, and
Moves 'metadata' (e.g. the personID, date of last change, and links to the Group Sheet and Family Chart) into headings.
It makes numerous additional changes, some of which are controlled by mod options.
See the Wiki article for details.
This mod hides the Child-to-Parent relationship if the relationshop is a list that is defined as a mod option.
The idea is that users don't need to see relationship values such as 'natural' or 'birth'.
When John Coggburn married Malinda Rice, John Jr. was a witness. In John Coggburn's will, he only mentions his five youngest children. Margaret Jane Cogburn, a granddaughter of Henry Coggburn said that James, Henry, Patrick and Lucinda were brothers and sister and they all came to Montgomery County, Arkansas from Greene County, Tennessee. She also said that when she was 8 years old, that their half-brother Nathan Coggburn came to visit them. Since Nathan was John's son by his second marriage, this proves that John was the father of James, Henry, Patrick and Lucinda.
1 male under 5 (Hiram?)
1 male 10-14 (youngest son of John and first wife?)
1 male 50-59 (John)
2 females under 5 (Lucinda and Martha?)
1 female 30-39 (Malinda)
John Coggburn, 66, farmer, 1000ac, NC
Malinda, 40, f, SC
Cinthia, 14, f, Ten
Hiram J., 12, m, Ten
Martha M., 10, f, Ten
Mary E., 8, f, Ten
Harriet L, 1, f. Ten [1]