Road 13 Genealogy

a history of the Rudeen and Rademacher Families

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1803 Estate Inventory for Jonas Hultman
1803 Estate Inventory for Jonas Hultman
Named are wife Christina Jönsdotter and sons Johannes, Isak, Abraham and Jacob.
1804 Mercer Brown - Land Sale
1804 Mercer Brown - Land Sale
For Sale.

170 acres of land, lying in Columbia County, on Maddox creek, two and a half miles below Wrightsborough, with a grist mill, saw mill and plantation thereon, for terms apply to the subscriber on the premises.

Mercer Brown.

February 18

(note that Mercer Brown b. 1781 is selling land originally purchased by his father Mercer Brwon b. 1740)
1804 Moving Out Anders Håkansson and family
1804 Moving Out Anders Håkansson and family
1806 Death record Lars Hultman
1806 Death record Lars Hultman
1818 Transcription of Solomon Vail Pension Application
1818 Transcription of Solomon Vail Pension Application
1819 Estate Inventory Preamble - Nils Mårtensson
1819 Estate Inventory Preamble - Nils Mårtensson
Nils had a sizable estate. Refer to original source for details.
1820 Census Peter Dill family
1820 Census Peter Dill family
All are Free White Persons

Males - Under 10 2 Michael (2), John (10)

Males - 10 thru 15 3 Peter (12), Andrew (15), Mercer (18)

Males - 26 thru 44 1 Peter (44 or younger)

Females - Under 10 3 Susanna (5), Elizabeth (9), ?

Females - 10 thru 15 1 ?

Females - 16 thru 25 1 Sarah (16)

Females - 26 thru 44 1 Sarah (?)

Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture 1

Under 16 9

Over 25 2

Total 12
1820 Kirk Session finding
1820 Kirk Session finding
1820 Statement of Duncan Campbell
1820 Statement of Duncan Campbell
1821 Birth Donald Fraser
1821 Birth Donald Fraser
1822 - Transaction involving negro man named Jack
1822 - Transaction involving negro man named Jack
Sheriff's Sale

One negro man, named Jack, levied on and returned by a constable as the property of Peter Donaldson, to satisfy an execution in favor of Daniel Dill vs. said Donaldson.

Conditions, cash - purchasers to pay for titles.

Daniel Savage,

Sheriff R.C.

October 5
1822 Baptism Andrew Fraser
1822 Baptism Andrew Fraser
1822 baptism Betty (Elizabeth) Campbell
1822 baptism Betty (Elizabeth) Campbell
1822 Marriage John Fraser and Henriet Reid
1822 Marriage John Fraser and Henriet Reid
1824 Alexander Fraser baptism
1824 Alexander Fraser baptism
1825 - Daniel Dill fails to appear for jury duty
1825 - Daniel Dill fails to appear for jury duty
State of Georgia. } SS in the Mayor's Court

City of Augusta. }

It appearing in the Court, by the Sheriff's return, that Benjamin G. Sims, Ephraim L. Whitlock, David Smith, Daniel Dill, and Green B. Holland, had been duly summoned to attend this court as jurors, and had made default: Or heed, that they each be fined in teh sum of ten dollars, unless sufficient excuse be filed with the clerk, on oath, on or before the first day of the next term.

True extract from the minutes of February term, 1825.

Andrew Jackson Miller, Deputy Clerk.

March 19.
1825 - Daniel Dill to receive lost item
1825 - Daniel Dill to receive lost item
1 Apr 1825

LOST. On the 23rd inst a POCKET BOOK, containing sundry papers and a sum of money say 130 dollars, viz: $100 bill, Bank of Darien Georgia, No. 429 dated May 4th 1819, marked letter A. among the rest of the Bank Bills was a two dollar bill, fo the Bank of South Carolina, and two ten dollar Bills, on what Bank not recollected. A suitable reward will be given for its recovery. any person finding the same will please leave it with Mr. Daniel Dill, or Mr. Benjamin Cutliff, otherwise to the subscriber,

Wm. L. Walker,

of Lincoln County

March 25
1825 - Ice Cream Advertisement
1825 - Ice Cream Advertisement
Ice Cream

No. 288, Broad-Street

The Ladies and gEntlemen of Augusta are informed that the subscribers have on hand every Evening, from 4 to 8 o'clock, P.M. a supply of ICE CREAMS, of various kinds.

Families can be supplied by sending any time within the above mentioned hours.

Danile Dill, & Co.

May 6
1825 Moving Out - Pär Lindström
1825 Moving Out - Pär Lindström
Takes the name Lindström in his moving-out papers. Moving-out register indicates that he was "Smed Ges" (journeyman blacksmith) at "Mäst. Rahm" before moving to S. Villie - we can infer that this is the same person as Pehr Nilsson.
1825 Pehr Lindström Moving In
1825 Pehr Lindström Moving In
Smed Gesällen Pehr Lindström arrives from Skivarp on 20 Oct 1825, destination Simmebrohuset
1825-1826 Ville Simmebrohuset - Pehr Lindström
1825-1826 Ville Simmebrohuset - Pehr Lindström
1826 Moving In - Pehr Lindström
1826 Moving In - Pehr Lindström
On 30 Oct 1826, Pehr Lindström arrives from Villie with destination "Olson" - other references on this page suggest that this is related to a forge or blacksmith.
1826 Moving Out - Pehr Lindström
1826 Moving Out - Pehr Lindström
Leaves Simmebrohuset on 7 Jun 1826 with destination Skivarp
1826-1829 HER Pär Lindström
1826-1829 HER Pär Lindström
Ges. (journeypan) at Smedmäst Nils Rahm
1826-1831 HER Ola Pärsson family
1826-1831 HER Ola Pärsson family
Ola, listed as Åbo, has perhaps inherited the farm from his father-in-law. Bengta, however, dies due to complications from childbirth. Her son Pär (or Pehr) survives. He remarried to Anna Jacobsdotter and they have a son together, Jacob.
1826-1831 Skivarp Household Exam Berta Pärsdotter
1826-1831 Skivarp Household Exam Berta Pärsdotter
Åb. Nils Mårtensson's enka (widow) Berta Pärsdotter
1827 - Confectionary business announcement
1827 - Confectionary business announcement

No. 288 Borad-Street

D. Dill respectfully tenders his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal patronage with which they have favored him, and offers his services to them generally in the Confectionary business, in all its branches. All orders, both town and country, will be supplied at the shortest reasonable notice, and at as low prices as any in the city. He has now on hand a good supply of the first quality Cordials, Lemon Syrup, Wine, Liquors, Capers, Olives, Raisins, Almonds, Figs, Filberts, Dried Beef, Bologna Sausage, Syrup of Orgeat, Candies of all descriptions, Sugar Plumbs of different sizes, Pound Cakes, Wedding Cakes, and Pastry Cookery, of all kinds, furnished in the neatest style if notice be given the day previous.

Also, Segars and Tobacco, of the best kind, and a few barrels of new Georgia Flour.

October 1
1827 - Daniel Dill business dissolved
1827 - Daniel Dill business dissolved

The Firm of Daniel Dill & Co. is this day dissolved, by mutual consent. Those indebted to the concern are expected to come forward to settle their accounts without delay.

H. Salm

D. Dill

July 24th, 1827
1827 Marriage John Fraser Margaret Beattie
1827 Marriage John Fraser Margaret Beattie
1827-1833 Household Exam Jöns Larsson family
1827-1833 Household Exam Jöns Larsson family
Original entry is for Äg. (owner) Jöns Larsson, wife Sissa and daughter Else. It appears that Mårten and his wife and child moved into the household in 1829.

Jöns and Else born at Dybeck; Sissa born at Skoghuset. Jöns is listed as "utfattig", Sissa as "fattighjon", and Else as "krympling".
1828 - Flour advertisement
1828 - Flour advertisement

The subscriber has just received a few Barrels of NEW GEORGIA FLOUR, at his Confectionary, No. 288 Broad-street, where a general assortment of Confectionary may be had at all times.

D. Dill

Oct 2
1828 Baptism Mary and Margaret Fraser
1828 Baptism Mary and Margaret Fraser
1828 Flyttningsbevis from Västra Nöbbelöv to Östra Vemmenhög
1828 Flyttningsbevis from Västra Nöbbelöv to Östra Vemmenhög
1828-1829 Household Exam Mårten Nilsson
1828-1829 Household Exam Mårten Nilsson
Arrived from Nobbelöf 1828; left for Ölöf No. 16 1829. Marriage to Anna Jönsdotter is noted.
1829 - Letter list
1829 - Letter list
Remaining in the Post Office at Augusta, Georgia, 2nd February 1829 (not before advertised).

D Dill
1829-1835 HER for Pär Lindström and family
1829-1835 HER for Pär Lindström and family
Wife Elna Westergren and daughter Bengta. Also Ingar Westergren in household, presumably sibling of Elna.
1830 Birth Joseph Fraser
1830 Birth Joseph Fraser
1830 Census John Coggburn Family
1830 Census John Coggburn Family
1830 will of Isaac James
1830 will of Isaac James
1831-1832 Bertha Pehrsdotter
1831-1832 Bertha Pehrsdotter
Nils Mårt. enka (widow) Berta Pärsdtr. She is in the same household with her late daughter's husband Ola Pärsson and her grandson Pär Olsson. She moved to Ölöf in 1832.
1832-1839 Jöns Larsson and Mårten Nilsson families
1832-1839 Jöns Larsson and Mårten Nilsson families
Jöns Larsson with his wife Sissa and daughter Else all die during this period. Daughter Anna is living with husband Mårten Nilsson and their children Nils, Jöns and Bengta.
1833 Marriage Sylvester Bennett Elizabeth Foreman
1833 Marriage Sylvester Bennett Elizabeth Foreman
Silvester Bennet

License March 2 1833

Elizabeth Foreman

He of age her father

consents to as her brother

[...] stated

The rite of matrimony was celebrated the seventh day

of March 1833 Silvester Bennett and Elizabeth Foreman

by James Johnson M.B.

Filed June 21 1883 [...]
1835-1838 HER Pär Lindström family
1835-1838 HER Pär Lindström family
with wife Elna Westergren and daughters Bengta, Johanna and Maria. Looks like Elna has a sister and parent in the household as well.
1839-1841 Church Membership - Duncan Campbell family
1839-1841 Church Membership - Duncan Campbell family

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